A Voice for Parkinson's Education & Advocacy




"We didn't choose the music, but we can choose to ​dance like no one is watching." Lori DePorter


My journey with Parkinson's started in December 2014. I was 45, a wife and mother - I ​couldn't have Parkinson's, but I did...we did. It was not MY diagnosis - it was OURS, and ​the DePorter Family began its journey with Young Onset Parkinson's.

Life changed, and we changed with it, especially me. I became a Parkinson's advocate ​for education and exercise. My passion is empowering others to live their best lives.

Explore my site. You will see you are not alone on this journey. Life is different, but it is ​still good.

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"A support group is a ​place to be ​unapologetically me."

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Something to think about

Some people say they don’t know how I do it and feel sorry for me. While I appreciate the sentiment, ​what else would I do? HE’S STILL MY DAD.

Yes, he’s different now. The man I knew growing up was never loud or overbearing, but he could be the ​life of the party. He is quieter now and a gentle soul who still pulls out a joke that steals the show ​because HE’S STILL MY DAD.

He remembers a few stories of days gone by and recites the Our Father in Russian like he did as a boy. ​His voice is softer now, and he doesn’t sing much anymore. But he still hums his approval with dinner ​because HE’S STILL MY DAD.

Music opens the door as we dance and play drums. For a cherished moment in time, if you look closely, ​it’s easy to see - it’s STILL MY DAD, Bernie Kalisky, lead tenor, and me.

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I am voluntarily participating in a class or classes provided ​by Lori DePorter/Unique Physique. I will receive instruction ​and information concerning fitness and wellness ​techniques, including weight training and other physical ​activities. I represent and warrant that I have no physical ​or mental health condition that would prevent my safe ​participation in these classes.

I am willingly and voluntarily assuming any risks, injuries, ​or damages, known and unknown, which I might incur as a ​result of participating in these classes, and agree that Lori ​DePorter/Unique Physique will not have any liability for ​such injuries or damages, to the maximum extent allowed ​by applicable law.

Mon & Wed 9AM EST

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Meeting ID: 327 891 3252

Passcode: 4xuDHP

If you would like instruction prior to class, please ​view the instructional article with videos I published ​with the Davis Phinney Foundation at


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Did you think about it?

Today, which is now yesterday, was a day of research. I am exhausted, yet here I am, sitting ​at 4 a.m., writing. The one thing I need the most is sleep, which continues to elude me. ​Typing is challenging, but I keep plugging away, hoping it will shut my brain off.

Returning to yesterday, I provided data for a Parkinson’s clue from COVID-19. 12 vials of ​my blood, cognitive tests, and an hour-long MRI don’t sound difficult. However, I was on ​the struggle bus and wanted the ride to end. I have done MRIs before, but this one required ​13 minutes of keeping my eyes open with minimal blinking. I began searching for the “get ​me out of here” button but would not allow myself to push it. Instead, I turned to Mary. I ​have learned that saying enough Hail Marys can get me through just about anything. I don’t ​know how many I said, but I made it. Mary never fails.

Being an inquisitive patient, I engaged the radiologist in a conversation. I told him I was in ​year 10 and found myself looking at the scans. To my surprise, he said my brain looks good. ​That sounds promising, so I will go with that.

My brain looks good, but it’s never sleepy –

Until next time….talk to Mary and get some sleep!